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Top 3 Benefits of Invisalign

Often, patients visit our office looking for solutions to straighten their smile. Crooked teeth cause more than just cosmetic concerns. They also affect your overall dental health and your ability to brush and floss effectively. As your trusted cosmetic dentist… - By Dr. Paulen


Composite Vs. Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are a popular treatment in Sandy Springs, GA cosmetic dentistry. Their variety of uses makes them a valued tool in a dentist’s arsenal. But there are a couple of types of veneers at Proud Smiles Dental -- composite… - By Dr. Paulen


3 Smile Makeover Solutions for Summer

Summer is here, and many patients are looking for new ways to improve their smiles. At Proud Smiles, we are happy to offer extensive cosmetic dentistry solutions for new and returning patients. As your trusted dentist in Atlanta, GA, Dr.… - By Dr. Paulen


The Importance of Oral Care in a Pandemic Environment

As we try to progressively resume activities in this new environment, it’s particularly important to remember how your oral health affects your immune system.  Gum disease is an infection.  And, if left untreated, that long-term systemic infection and inflammation weaken… - By Dr. Paulen


Taking On a Dental Emergency

Even if you’re the best at taking care of your teeth, an accidental dental emergency can pop up at any time. But what do you do when one happens to you? Dr. Brenda Paulen of Proud Smiles, a dentist in… - By Dr. Paulen


Your Jaw Pain and You

Jaw pain is an extremely common dental concern that our patients deal with every day. As your trusted restorative dentist in Atlanta, GA, we wanted to provide you with some comprehensive information on your jaw pain, how you can manage… - By Dr. Paulen


Did You Miss a Scheduled Appointment?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, things have changed rapidly over the last couple of months. Dental offices had to be closed to everything but emergency services. Now, things are finally able to start opening back up. But what happens if… - By Dr. Paulen


A Responsible Re-opening Plan

Given the recent State announcements regarding COVID-19 and business re-openings, I felt that it would be important and useful to update the Proud Smiles family with the status of our current plans to Responsibly Re-open Proud Smiles. First and foremost,… - By Dr. Paulen


3 Dentist-Approved Snacks

Many of us have been spending a lot of time at home due to the COVID-19 crisis. With very little to do these days, snacking has become a favorite pastime. Some of our patients have asked us if we have… - By Dr. Paulen


Dr. Brenda Paulen and ProudSmiles Awarded

Dr. Paulen and the ProudSmiles team have been awarded the Small Business of the Year Award for 2019! Given by the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber, the Business Awards were developed to recognize the outstanding businesses and community members of Sandy… - By Dr. Paulen