Why Choose Dental Implants? Sandy Springs, GA

The benefits of choosing to replace your damaged or missing teeth are obvious. The difficult decision is how you should replace them. Dental implants offer many more benefits that other options do not offer. Replacement teeth with titanium roots can last a lifetime and are more durable. Dr. Radha Patel is a Sandy Springs, GA dentist that offers teeth implants to patients missing one or more teeth.

The Benefits of Choosing Dental Implants

Dental Implants offer many cosmetic and health benefits to patients who choose them over dentures and bridges. This advanced solution for the replacement of lost teeth guarantees a healthier, more beautiful smile. As the next best solution to natural teeth, it’s easy to see why they are becoming the number one solution for missing teeth.

Minimal bone loss

When a tooth falls out or is pulled, the root comes out too. A tooth root plays an important role in maintaining the jaw bone. The roots provide stimulation for the jaw bone which stimulates bone growth. When a tooth is missing, the jaw bone will slowly begin to deteriorate. The implant post will actually serve as the replacement tooth root and provide a sturdy base for the restoration. Dental implants are the only solution that can replace a tooth at the root.

Improve facial structure

Bone loss in the jaw will eventually lead to changes in your facial structure, adding years to your overall appearance. Jaw bone deterioration will cause the lips to fold in, the lower face to shrivel up, and deep wrinkles will develop around the mouth. Replacing teeth with implants will stimulate the bone and prevent bone loss keeping the facial structure intact.

Most natural solution

Not only do dental implants look natural, but they will also feel like your natural teeth. With advances in dental technology, the dental restoration can be custom-made to blend with the rest of your smile and function just like real teeth.

Little to no food restrictions

Dental implants are surgically placed making them extremely durable and secure. This allows for a greater bite force. Other restorations are not as secure and this forces the patient to only consume softer foods. Implant-supported restorations allow you to eat a well-rounded, healthy diet with very little to no restrictions.

High success rate

Many of our patients worry that implants will not work for them. While there is no guarantee that implants will work for you, they do hold a 98% success rate. With proper maintenance and regular visits to Dr. Patel at her Sandy Springs, GA dentist office, your implants can last a lifetime.

Surrounding teeth remain intact

Dental bridges will require the adjacent teeth to be reduced to accommodate the restoration. That means you are damaging additional teeth that are perfectly healthy to replace one or two teeth. Replacing your missing teeth with implant-secured restorations will not harm your natural, healthy teeth. Visit the following pages to learn more about our implant dentistry: