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Cosmetic Dental Consultation Expectations

Your smile can play a crucial role in first impressions, and if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, your self-esteem could suffer. You can restore your smile as well as your confidence with cosmetic treatment from your… - By Dr. Paulen


Can My Dentist Help Me Get Better Sleep?

Have you ever wondered whether your teeth and jaw could explain why you snore at night? While sleep apnea is often associated with obesity or excess weight and soft tissues collapsing over the airway, your jaw position and teeth also… - By Dr. Paulen


Stop Bone Loss with Dental Implants

Patients with tooth loss may suffer additional dental concerns if they do not pursue treatment from their dental professional. Optimal tooth replacement with dental implants can restore the function and appearance of a patient’s smile if they are missing teeth.… - By Dr. Paulen


FAQ: What is Tooth Enamel Erosion?

Dr. Brenda Paulen of Proud Smiles in Sandy Springs, GA is dedicated to your total health, not just the health of your smile. Dr. Paulen and her team work closely with each patient to address their dental health concerns and… - By Dr. Paulen


Coffee and Your Smile

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world, and approximately half of all American adults enjoy coffee on a regular basis. Whether it is hot, iced, or cold brew, coffee is a staple in the routines… - By Dr. Paulen


How Restoring Your Smile Can Improve Oral Health

Cosmetic dental procedures like Invisalign, gum contouring, and dental crowns can make your smile look and feel better, but they can also improve your oral health. Overcrowded, crooked, and broken teeth are more difficult to clean and may even indicate… - By Dr. Paulen


All About Cosmetic Teeth Bonding

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile, you can find affordable cosmetic enhancement that will provide effective results with teeth bonding. This treatment has many cosmetic advantages and can improve your smile in multiple ways. A consultation… - By Dr. Paulen


Enhance Your Gums This Summer

As pandemic restrictions begin to lift and you see friends and family face-to-face again, you may pay closer attention to your appearance. If you notice dark spots or discoloration in your gums, you can talk to your dentist about a… - By Dr. Paulen


Can Poor Oral Health Lead to Heart Disease?

Several studies have shown that no matter how healthy you are, if you have poor oral health, you are at a higher risk for heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Proudsmiles is a Sandy Springs, GA dental office focused on… - By Dr. Paulen


Periodontal Therapy FAQs

Maintaining healthy gums is important, not only for dental health but for a good quality of life. Changes in gum health can also be an indicator of changes in systemic health such as diabetes, cancer, or auto-immune disorders. Preventive dental… - By Dr. Paulen