Can Your Diet Cause Tooth Loss?

Tooth loss can lead to serious problems with the health, function, and aesthetics of your smile. Oral health conditions like tooth decay and gum disease are major contributors to your risk of tooth loss. But you might not know that your diet can also put you in danger of losing one or more teeth.

To ensure your smile and the rest of your body stay healthy, stick to a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. But you can also prevent tooth loss and other dental concerns by paying attention to the types of foods and beverages that you consume. Find advice from your dentist regarding your diet that can protect your natural dental structure when you read on.

Can Your Diet Cause Tooth Loss

Limit Acidic Food Items

Your teeth have a hard outer layer that serves as protection for the more sensitive interior as you bite and chew foods. While durable, enamel can wear down over time, and your diet can be a key contributor to this dental damage.

If you eat or drink many acidic foods or beverages, like citrus fruits and juices, the acid can linger in your mouth and eat away at your enamel. As enamel erodes, your teeth become weaker and therefore more vulnerable to oral bacteria. You can face a greater risk of severe tooth decay and infections that can cause enough damage to lead to tooth loss.

For this reason, limit the number of acidic items in your diet. Sugar becomes acidic when it reacts with saliva, so you should steer clear of added sugar as well.

Prevent Calcium Deficiency

Tooth enamel consists primarily of calcium in structure. So if you want to keep your teeth strong and healthy, you want to make sure you consume plenty of calcium in your diet.

If the body lacks calcium, it will start to draw this mineral from existing places within the body, such as your teeth. If this happens, the teeth will weaken significantly. You can notice symptoms if this occurs, such as dental discoloration or tooth sensitivity.

Eventually, the teeth can fall out of their sockets if they suffer too much calcium loss. Include calcium-rich foods in your diet to avoid this issue. Examples include cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products or leafy greens and almonds for individuals who cannot consume dairy.

Be Careful with Hard, Crunchy Foods

Healthy enamel ensures you can grind and tear into food without damaging your teeth. But under high amounts of pressure, the teeth could sustain an injury. For instance, biting into hard-textured foods might make a tooth chip, crack, or fracture.

A broken tooth will need urgent repair from a dentist in order to prevent serious complications. If the crack in the tooth extends below the gumline, the dentist may need to extract the tooth to avoid further damage. Be careful when you eat hard or crunchy foods so that you can reduce the risk of tooth breakage.