Cleaning Your Dental Implants

Dental implants can provide you with secure, long-lasting tooth replacement and dental restoration. Many people appreciate that these fixtures will endure for twenty years or longer without requiring replacement. Plus, you will not need to complete extra cleaning steps in your routine to keep your implants looking and feeling their best.

However, you should still adhere to proper hygienic practices in order to ensure your implants function as well as they should. Read on to find tips for cleaning and maintaining your smile as well as your new dental implants.

Cleaning Your Dental Implants

Practice Gentle Care Directly After Receiving Implants

Dental implants include titanium post anchors surgically inserted in the jaw. The anchors fuse with the jawbone to establish a strong foundation that supports the prosthetic teeth above the gumline.

It will take a few months for the surgical sites near these anchors to heal properly. During this time, you will need to be careful with them to avoid irritation and other complications of the recovery process.

However, you must still adhere to good oral hygiene. If your oral health declines, this could affect the success of your implants. But you will need to clean your mouth gently so that you do not hurt the surgical sites. Your dentist can provide you with aftercare guidelines to clean your smile effectively and safely during this time.

Continue Consistent Oral Hygiene Habits

As mentioned, you do not need to complete extra cleaning actions when it comes to your dental implants. However, maintaining consistent, thorough oral hygiene is crucial in order to care for your implants.

This means continuing to brush your teeth twice each day, morning and night. You will also need to floss every day, including around your implants. Though implants will resist decay and staining, they collect plaque and other residues that could impact your oral health.

You must remove these harmful residues from your implants as well as the rest of your smile. If you develop gum disease or cavities, the problems can harm your implant. If the implant fails, you will need urgent dental attention to fix the issue.

Good oral hygiene prevents this dental emergency and keeps your implant functioning as it should. Proper oral hygiene will also include attending regular professional dental cleanings at your dentist’s office, so do not skip these appointments.

Try Targeted Oral Hygiene Tools

You can use your usual toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss with your oral hygiene when you clean your smile and your dental implants. However, you should pay attention to the type of tools you use. For instance, you should choose a soft-bristled brush so that you do not scratch your implants when cleaning.

You might benefit from more targeted oral hygiene tools as well. Some brushes are designed to clean thoroughly near your implants to boost your oral cleanliness and dental health.

A water flosser could also enhance your daily flossing. The device can come with a special tip that can thoroughly clean the spaces between your implants and your natural teeth. Talk to your dentist to learn more oral hygiene advice related to your dental implants.