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Wisdom Teeth FAQs

During childhood, we lose our primary (baby) teeth and grow permanent (adult) teeth. Yet after adolescence, another set of teeth called wisdom teeth might grow. You often hear about wisdom teeth in the context of their removal. So why do… - By Dr. Paulen


How to Fix Gapped Teeth

Gaps can form between two or more of your teeth for many reasons. The teeth may grow with a gap due to genetics, and poor oral habits like thumb sucking during childhood could create a gap. Dental problems like gum… - By Dr. Paulen


Do I Have a Fractured Tooth?

Teeth experience wear and tear on a regular basis from chewing, biting, and other oral functions. Usually, they endure this without issue, but sometimes an accident occurs that may cause the tooth to break. A broken tooth will disrupt the… - By Dr. Paulen


Risk Factors for Gum Disease

Gum disease refers to a bacterial infection in the gum tissue. It can begin with inflammation of the gums, but as it progresses, bacteria can eat away at the teeth and jawbone to create irreversible dental damage. This disease is… - By Dr. Paulen


Uses for Composite Resin in Dentistry

Composite resin refers to a malleable, synthetic material that a dentist uses in many types of dental treatments. Its flexibility allows it to offer more fine-tuned and individualized results that suit unique dental needs than metals. This resin also functions… - By Dr. Paulen


Implant Dentistry Recovery FAQs

Tooth loss can leave you with significant dental issues and deteriorating oral health. You will need to seek tooth replacement treatment from your dentist to preserve and restore your smile. Dental implants can offer you highly effective fixed replacements for… - By Dr. Paulen


Cold Sore Treatment from Your Dentist

If you have a small, painful bump on or near your lip, you might have a cold sore. This blister often fills with fluid and impacts the appearance of your smile for several days before healing and fading from sight.… - By Dr. Paulen


When Do I Visit My Dentist?

As soon as we start growing baby teeth, we begin visiting our dentist’s office to receive dental care. But when we get older, we may feel tempted to skip the hassle of scheduling regular appointments. However, if you miss these… - By Dr. Paulen


Reasons Teeth May Fall Out

Patients with missing teeth understand the debilitating effects that this dental condition can wreak. Tooth loss can impact the appearance of your smile, worsen your ability to perform oral functions, and put you at risk of further oral health deterioration.… - By Dr. Paulen


Ways to Brighten Your Smile

Teeth may grow duller, yellower, or stained as you age. Sometimes the foods and drinks you consume cause this dental discoloration. Other dental patients may see their smiles’ brightness diminish due to aging or other factors outside their control. Regardless,… - By Dr. Paulen