Implant Dentistry Recovery FAQs

Tooth loss can leave you with significant dental issues and deteriorating oral health. You will need to seek tooth replacement treatment from your dentist to preserve and restore your smile. Dental implants can offer you highly effective fixed replacements for missing teeth.

Some people may worry about the invasive and lengthy process of implant dentistry. Knowing what will occur as you heal can help you feel more confident about your upcoming treatment. Read on to learn more about the recovery period you can expect after receiving dental implants from your dentist.

recovery for dental implant procedure

How Long Is the Implant Dentistry Process?

Implant dentistry treatment involves a multi-step process that will require three or more visits to your dentist’s office over the course of several months. The first appointment is a consult where your dentist will confirm that dental implants are the best way to restore your unique smile.

Then you will have oral surgery to place anchors in the jaw that will ultimately support your prosthetic teeth. These surgical sites will take three to six months to heal, during which time they will fuse with the jawbone. You will return to your dentist after this to receive your custom dental prosthetics.

Though this process may seem lengthy, you can feel confident in long-lasting and secure oral appliances. Knowing the benefits and focusing on the end results can keep you committed to this treatment.

Will Dental Implants Hurt?

Many people worry that the surgery and recovery will mean a great deal of pain. But you can feel at ease knowing that the dentist will prioritize your comfort during each step of the dental implant treatment.

Before the anchor placement procedure, you will receive a local anesthetic to numb the affected area and stop you from feeling pain. You can also receive sedation to feel relaxed during this process. You might feel sore after returning home when the medications wear off. But you can follow aftercare instructions from your dentist to minimize uncomfortable side effects.

Attaching prosthetics to the anchors will not hurt either. It may take time to get used to the feeling of dental implants in your mouth, but they will not be painful. If they do cause you pain, this is abnormal, and you should tell your dentist.

How Long Will Dental Implants Remain in My Smile?

Once your dental implants are attached, you can experience restorative benefits for twenty or more years. The durable prosthetics and stable support from the anchors ensure you can use your implants to perform oral functions without issue.

These fixed oral appliances will not slip out of place like removable dentures. They will also preserve your smile from jawbone deterioration that may occur following tooth loss.

To ensure your dental implants remain in good shape, you will need to take care of your smile. Practice good oral hygiene habits and continue to visit your dentist for routine check-ups to get the most out of implant dentistry.